Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter Maintenance

The off-season is really a misnomer when it comes to the maintenance team at Olympic Hills.  Despite the fact that we are not able to be out on the course, a great deal of work still needs to be accomplished during the winter months.  With an older fleet of equipment, overhauling machinery and intense maintenance is performed to ensure optimal performance during the golf season.  Every piece of equipment is addressed during this 4-5 month period.  In addition to the equipment, all course accessories are completely refurbished.  Ballwashers, benches, tee markers, coolers, range accessories and traffic control markers are all cleaned, sanded and painted to provide a good presentation for the upcoming season.  The maintenance staff is also responsible for all snow removal duties at the club, which can also eat up a significant chunk of time.  Combine all this shop work with tree maintenance that is also performed during the off-season, and our window of inside work shrinks rather quickly.  The off-season is not so 'off'!!